Matthew Mario Rivera

Matthew Mario Rivera

Producer, Reporter, Producer
Age: (43 years)

Matthew Mario Rivera is a American producer who was born on January 01, 1982 in the USA`. As of 2025, the age of Matthew is 43. The producer has accumulated a solid net worth of $3 million with perseverance and determination.

General Wiki of Matthew Mario Rivera
Full NameMatthew Mario Rivera
Birth DateJanuary 01, 1982
Net Worth$3 million
Height6 feet 0 inches (1.83m)
Weight77 Kg
Birth Placethe USA`
Salary$60k per month
EducationNew York University
Professionproducer, reporter, producer
Father NameDaniel O. Rivera
Mother NameLoraine V Vetter
Hair Colorlight brown
Eye Colorbrown
Twitter Profiletwitter
Instagram Profileinstagram
Official Websitemattmrivera

Matthew Mario Rivera Age, Wiki/Biography

Matthew Mario Rivera was born on January 01, 1982 inside the USA` to Daniel O. Rivera(dad) and Loraine V Vetter(mom) along with no one. As of 2025, the age of Matthew is 43 years .

How tall is Matthew Mario Rivera?

Matthew Mario Rivera is 6 feet 0 inches (1.83m) tall and weighs around 77 Kg. The eye color is brown and hair color is light brown.

Matthew Mario Rivera Net Worth

Matthew Mario Rivera's net worth is around $3 million with some more assets. The producer, reporter, producer has accumulated the wealth with lots of hard work and dedication towards work. However, this is just an estimation, the actual net worth might be more or less than that.

Activeness on Social Media

Matthew is active on the following social media whose links are active as instagram, twitter, imdb, wikipedia, tiktok, and on mattmrivera.